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Everything Leans

"Deep is this dependent origination, and deep its appearance."

"Whoever sees dependent origination sees the Dharma;
whoever sees the Dharma sees dependent origination."

- Buddha [MN:28, DN:15]

an emptiness and dependent origination clinic

Freeing Perception is a drop-in group that (usually) meets on the first Thursday of every month at 18:00 UK time. Led by Nathan Glyde and guest teachers, it is a space for exploring liberating ways of looking, relating, and being.
FYI: also run other groups at other times.

The group will delve into meditation teachings and practices that transform perception, particularly insight — knowledge, analysis, wisdom, and understanding, and correlative liberating lens, perspectives, and attitudes. As these are essentially supported by samādhi, the brahmavihārās, and other practices that subtlise perception, inquires around these are also invited. At its core, the group is about emptiness — recognising that the appearance of all things (percepts) are not fixed in any one way. They, like us, are empty of inherent existence and can be freed.

The aim of this group is to explore the extent of our freedom to liberate perception, which directly correlates with the amount of freedom we experience in our lives. You are invited to bring your practice questions, awakening experiences, or come to listen and learn. We intend for the group to be accessible and welcoming to all, while allowing for the refined care needed to examine the depths of subtlety.

The group will meet via the Zoom video-conference platform on Thursdays from 18.00 - 19.00 UK time.
For your information here is the current time in the UK - see what 18.00 UK time is where you are.

The sessions will usually take place on the first Thursday of the month.
The next ones will be:

  • January 2 with Nathan
  • February 5 with Nathan (a day earlier—Wednesday)
  • March 6 with Nathan
  • April 3 with Nathan
  • May 1 with Nathan

The significance of perception extends beyond contemplative understanding and our inner and interpersonal relationships - it is fundamental to the very existence of a present moment. The reality we know is a perception. Whatever we experience as reality, here and now, is only what we dynamically perceive it to be. This is key: since all perceptions are constructed and dependent on various factors, including the conceptions and intentions we bring to bear, we play a crucial role in shaping our perception, redirecting our experiences, and ultimately altering our reality.

Those who are familiar with Rob Burbea's profound teachings will recognise the same importance given to perception in his teaching, specifically his "ways of looking" (perceiving) that liberate. We recommend reading his excellent work Seeing That Frees, or related teachings as a basis for a shared language of exploration. Listening to Nathan's teachings will also provide a suitable basis. Regardless, everyone is welcome to come and explore in their own way.


May dāna practice nourish our hearts and support the deepening of our path. In the tradition of Dharma teachings, participants are invited to support the sessions with dāna: freely given contributions. Broadly speaking, those who share teachings are dependent on the generosity of those who receive them. This can be a liberating and conscious exchange for all involved. Most importantly, this promotes the openness and inclusivity that make these priceless teachings accessible to everyone. With dāna we cultivate a spirit of caring rooted in interconnectedness, and a liberating opening into the fullness of life.

Support the teachings

Next Steps

If you are interested or curious about the radical freedom and profound transformation that Freeing Perception invites fill the form below and have the invitation and link sent to you.

If you would like to get updates on retreats and other events with Nathan and Zohar then you're invited to sign up for our mailing list or join our group on Signal private messenger (like WhatsApp but ethical and better). Or just check out our upcoming events and courses on the website yourself.

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If you have any questions or issues please contact us